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bulk control delete selection optionwhy,, am I missing something?Rory Fielding 14 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Roop Kumar-Oracle Risk Management and Compliance
ORMC control output entries -grey out 'export to excel' optionhi all for security reasons, I need the above option greying out.. possible? how? hmmm
how can i disable the export to excel button in AAC results page?as above, the 'Go' button is greyed out…so surely I can grey out another button?
EPM-ARCS - have you configured it yet?hi team I'm looking to configure EPM-ARCS soonish and just wondering.. have you done it? if so, any pointers? scale of 1-10 for usefulness? thanks in advanceRory Fielding 23 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Roop Kumar-Oracle Risk Management and Compliance
Custom data downloadSummary: I would like to download data from an excel file into a business object in Oracle RMC. Ex: a list of supplier names I would like to use the columns from this bu…Raghu_AG 11 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Aditi Doon-Oracle Risk Management and Compliance
export all risk cloud setup and configurationhi team is there a way to capture all of our risk cloud setup and configuration please? or is it captured in some other general Fusion way? thanksRory Fielding 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Rory Fielding Risk Management and Compliance
risk cloud control - delete option greyed outhi team as above, I have deployed 24A version of a Control and now need to delete original version.. but I cant - delete option greyed out - can you?Rory Fielding 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Roop Kumar-Oracle Risk Management and Compliance
which modules/functionality of Fusion have we Audit switched on and which not..?Overview of Audit Configuration (oracle.com) - not really helping how can I find out? where will it show me? thanksRory Fielding 31 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Barry Greenhut-Oracle Risk Management and Compliance
NEW: Resource Center for Risk ManagementLooking for news, events and training? Visit our new Resource Center. Want to share ideas for product improvements? Visit our Idea Lab. You can still connect with expert…Barry Greenhut-Oracle 294 views 0 comments 2 points Started by Barry Greenhut-Oracle Risk Management and Compliance
applying user assignment to multiple risk cloud controlshi Gurus as above, we have numerous Controls that we need to add a user assignment to before current Owner leaves which will take days manually singurlarly Possible? on …Rory Fielding 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Rory Fielding Risk Management and Compliance
Information Produced by Entity SOX - Audit LogSummary: When a company works with SOX they have an item required called IPE (Information Provided by Entity), and reports used as IPE has a LOG. Content (required): Thi…Renata Dos Santos 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Roop Kumar-Oracle Risk Management and Compliance