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Can we load measure data only on some dimension level of all dimension on which measure is defined?Summary: I want to load measure data only on some dimension level of all dimension used while creating measure. Example: A percentage multiplier is maintained at aggrega…Rohit Ghatol 33 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by NinaLyubenova-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Demand & Supply Planning - Supply Chain Planning (SCP)Summary Demand & Supply Planning key data setups & implementation resourcesContent Could anyone share any resources related to key data setups & implementation of Demand…AJSS007 110 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by Jonathan Ricks Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
How the need-by date for planned order (make) is calculated?In "Supplies and Demands", where does the system retrieve the need by date information from? Is it from the work definition?C:BRANCHI 41 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Thierry Lamote Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Custom measures are not acting as Causal factors for ForecastingSummary: I have defined a custom measure and would like to use it as Causal factor for forecasting. I have established a negative correlation for the shipments history w…
Transportation Capacity in Supply PlanningSummary: Have you modeled Transportation Capacity in Supply Planning or Sales and Operations Planning? We understand that it is not supported directly by Supply Planning…RakeshOracle-Oracle 41 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by RakeshOracle-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Why in planning pegging analysis the date is not coherent with the date in supplies and demand plan?Why in planning pegging analysis the date is not coherent with the date in supplies and demand plan? indeed in pegging analysis we can just see the demand date only for …C:BRANCHI 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by C:BRANCHI Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Contract manufacturer one to one mapping clarificationSummary: As per Oracle note Master KM: Contract Manufacturing in Oracle Cloud (Setup, Functional Flow, FAQ, Troubleshooting) (Doc ID 2670566.1) “..........Contract Manuf…Nirabh Nayan 32 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Nirabh Nayan Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
can we split work order quantities in Product Scheduling Planning Module in Oracle fusion?Summary: We need to split work order quantities based on Machine A, Machine B. Is it possible to achieve this in Production scheduling? Content (please ensure you mask a…Vatsala Bharadwaj-Oracle 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by M. Bolsinger-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Collect Planning Data Re-plans 'Firm' Planned OrdersSummary: Planners 'firm' planned orders setting the 'firm date' and the 'firm quantity'. Planning is scheduled to run three times a day, setup to 'complete refresh'. 'Fi…Jorge Mak 31 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Jorge Mak Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Steps to enable Supply Chain CommandSummary: I would like to know as a customer/end user how we can use this feature. Where could we find the documentation on Oracle SCCC. I want to demo SCCC capabilities …Sindhu M 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Victor Martin Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
How to load "Adjusted Shipments Forecast" measure using FBDI or any mass upload formatSummary: Our business wants to perform Forecast Adjustments using FBDI. Adjustments are done to measure Adjusted Shipments Forecast. Is there any FBDI template to do thi…User_L3DC6 166 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Gururaman Subramanian-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Can we add custom item attributes in Supplies and Demand SearchSummary: Hi Everyone, We have defined a Item DFF to capture the legacy part number in PIM. Enabled DFF in planning and collecting the same. We would like to use this att…Venkatesh Periketi 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Victor Martin Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
How to set "manual" as the default value for the resource charge type for Rework Work Orders?Summary: When manually adding a resource in the Rework Work Order, we would like the resource charge type to be set as 'MANUAL' by default. How can this be achieved? Con…
Create customer demand as stacked in Sales and Operations PlanningSummary: There is a requirement from client to Create customer demand as stacked in Sales and Operations Planning dashboard Content (please ensure you mask any confident…Tarun EY 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by SOP-User-8 Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Customer-Hierarchy as supported dimensions in Forecast TreeSummary: We can add customer dimension in forecast tree table . With this forecast tree, Demand Management engine runs properly without any error. Do we support other di…RakeshOracle-Oracle 13 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Venkatesh Periketi Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Fusion Application - Supply Chain Planning - Demand Management - Optimized forecast from scenariosHi Team , The requirement from business on the demand planning application is the system has to suggest the best combination of forecast(entered in override measures of …Raja Sekar 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Thejaswini Kamreddy-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Supply chain Planning - Revenue and margin analysis with dynamic pricing and Different FormulaeHi Team, Question/Requirement - Feasibility of doing Revenue and Margin analysis in planning with dynamic pricing entered by end users The ask from business is - for doi…Raja Sekar 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Thejaswini Kamreddy-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Why does Shipped Sales Order measure lack granularity in Attribute Based Planning context?Summary: The business area has a requirement to analize gross forecast, sales orders, shipped sales orders and net forecast based in "SELO". I used functionality attibut…Alyne Silva 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Srikanta-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
How to create circular reference for custom measures?Summary: We have two measures Measure A and Measure B . Both measures are dependent on each other i.e. Expression of Measure A has a reference of Measure B and Expressio…Sumit_99 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Scott Malcolm-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Scheduled Process Extract Data Load Errors not working with sourciong rules and assignment set CSVsSummary: The scheduled process "Extract Data Load Errors" works fine with external forecast for instance, but when I get warnings from load entity processes related to S…F_Suarez 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Prateek_16-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Can we create expressions with measures based on different granularitySummary: We have following measures in SOP named :- 1 Avg Selling Price (ASP) which is created at Item Org customer(time independent) --populated using FBDI 2 Adjusted A…Priya Chhibber 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_ZW0W7 Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Defined Item Structure DFF should be added as additional column under planSummary: We have yet to define a DFF under additional attributes named planning percentage at the item structure level, and we are attempting to add it to the present pl…Venkata Phani Srinivas Nutulapati 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Prateek_16-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
how to create a unique purchase requisition from duplicated planned order (buy)Summary: if i have more than one planned order (buy) duplicated (same item, same date, same suppliers, same location...), how to create a unique purchase requisition in …C:BRANCHI 31 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by C:BRANCHI Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Need to Ignore few fields from Approval system should Auto Approve changes in those fieldsSummary: Hey, We have a requirement to auto-approve two fields in the "Internal Supplier Profile Change Approvals" tasks; the two fields are supplier alternate names, an…
What is the use of column "Using Assembly Name" in external forecast load.Summary: What is the use of column "Using Assembly Name" in external forecast load. Content (required): While uploading the external forecast there is a column "Using As…Sumit_99 52 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Thierry Lamote Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
How to use Kanban based usage data for creating a Supply PlanSummary: One my customer is planning to use Supply Planning to work with Kanban based replenishment in the shop floor. They are interested to see how Kanban card quantit…Vishnuvarth Subramanian-Oracle 91 views 8 comments 2 points Most recent by Robert Zazzera Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Combination Levels in Demand ManagementHi We are in process of moving our Demand Management solution from Oracle Demantra to Oracle Demand Planning Cloud. As of today, on Demantra, we use combination levels (…b.h.a.r.a.t.h 22 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by AviCPP Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
How to enter forecast manually in Demand planning cloud for the new item in EBS?We are integrating SCP cloud with Oracle EBS environment. Items are created in EBS and collected. Once NEW ITEM is created in EBS (no shipment or booking history), we ne…SOP-User-8 71 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by SOP-User-8 Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Query Original value of Transfer orderHi, We're trying to query the original value of a Transfer order. So it should be the UNIT_COST_AVERAGE value at the moment of creation of the transferorder line. Is the…MennovD 13 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Venkat Jagan Pakala-Support-Oracle Supply Chain Financial Orchestration
Shipment Forecast MAPE- Not getting CalculatedSummary Forecast ErrorContent Hello, We are trying to Populate the 'Shipment Forecast MAPE'. I have configured the following steps:- 1) Choose the LOV of Measure Catalog…User_2025-02-05-09-06-38-552 57 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Santosh V-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration