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Question on Intrastat Lookup mappingSummary: Which column of Intrastat Lookup map to corresponding attributes (like delivery term, mode of transport) in transaction? It is Lookup Code, Meaning or Descripti…Tushar Dekate-Oracle 65 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Peter Vollebregt-269691 Inventory Management
What is the data source of Trading Partner VAT in Intrastat reportingSummary: Need to know the data source of Trading Partner VAT in Intrastat reporting Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have configured Tax …Joyce C.-Oracle 20 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Gaurav R Sharma-Oracle Inventory Management
Is there a way to bulk update the Intrastat transaction collected?Summary: Is there a way to bulk update the Intrastat transaction collected? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Is there a way to bulk update …
How is the Statistical Value calculated for Intrastat ?Summary: Intrastat collects two transaction values, Invoice Value and the Statistical Value. Normally, the Invoice Value directly comes from the invoice - in the Invoice…
Intrastat reporting with one inventory organization and multiple secondary legal reporting unit?We have multiple reporting units but just one inventory organization. How can we create the Intrastat reporting? The message we get, when we create the Collect Intrastat…Bernd Borstelmann 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Adnan Siddiqui-Oracle Inventory Management
Intrastat - does exist any Rest API or Soap webservice to enter Intrastat in the Intrastat ReportingContent Hello, As invoices not matched to PO are not extracted for Intrastat Reporting. We want to know if exists any way to enter them in Intrastat Reporting (as it is …
Intrastat Validation Issue QuestionsContent Hi, I am getting the following error while collecting & validating the Intrastat transactions: "The unit price or currency of the transaction was not found in th…
How to create user defined Nature of transaction code for Intrastat transactionsSummary: Hi All, I've created a rule for a Nature of Transaction code specific to a particular legal entity, and I have added a user-provided values. However, in the act…
Abhishek Sinha 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by UserKV-Oracle Product Master Data Management
Unreferenced supplier return transactions are not getting collected in intrastatSummary: Unreferenced transaction is created followed by shipment using inventory module from NL to Germany. Post running Collect Intrastat Transactions program this tra…Deepak Kinkar-Oracle 23 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Adnan Siddiqui-Oracle Inventory Management
Account understanding needed - Inventory ClearingSummary: Hi Team, I appreciate if you would please explain how the inventory Clearing account are used in fusion and how this account at month end and what entries go in…
Movement Reqest Issue/Transfer ApprovalSummary Define Approva of Movement Reqest IssesueContent Hi Experts, I have come across a situation where customer requests an approval workflow to be defined for Moveme…
Collect Intrastat Transaction collects Services POSummary Collect Intrastat Transaction collects Services PO and not only goods as expectedContent Collect Intrastat Transaction collects Services Purchase Orders and not …
UK Intrastat Collected transactions stuck in status 'Pending'Content Hi Gurus, The system does not allow me to modify the UK Triangulation Mode in Task: Manage Intrastat Country Characteristic because there are pending transaction…
Intrastat countriesSummary From where the information is picked for Country of origin and Country of Supply in IntrastatContent What is the difference between the country of origin and the…
Intrastat - where do delivery term and mode of transport come from ?Content In Intrastat, delivery term and mode of transport values are defined in lookup type JMF_IN_DELIVERY_TERM and JMF_IN_TRANSPORT_MODE. If I well understand Intrasta…
Intrastat - Update the Nature of transaction descriptionContent When I define a new Nature of Transactions rule, When I choose the value 11, the associated value is " Actual or intended ownership transfer against compensation…
Intrastat ReportingSummary Looking for Configuration Set up Template for Intrastat ReportingContent Looking for Configuration Set up Template for Intrastat Reporting. Please guide where I …
Intrastat Reporting: what is the data source of each field reportedSummary Need to know where the data is taken from in the intrastat reportingContent Collect Intrastat Transactions is collecting many data. Where are these data picked f…
Shipments Document SequenceSummary Shipments Document SequenceContent Hello, How can I set up or define a sequence for my shipment documents based on the business unit? Thank you. Version Oracle F…Mohammad Alhindawi 62 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
Create Pick Wave is not releasing all the lines for Transfer Order after 18c upgradeSummary Create Pick Wave is not releasing all the lines for Transfer OrderContent Recently we have 18c upgrade and post upgrade, we have noticed that Create Pick Wave is…
Job Set with multiple Jobs in itSummary Unable to save Job Set with multiple ESS job: WshPickSelectionListSRSJobContent Hi, Can someone help if any one faced an issue where in we cannot save Jobset wit…Atul Kumar-93431 65 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
Which role to be assigned for Intrastat Reporting ?Summary Which role to be assigned for Intrastat Reporting?Content Hi I am planning to set up Manage Intrastat Country Characteristics for Intrastat reporting. It is givi…Ramakrishna Basa-Oracle 159 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
Collect Intrastat Transactions prog is giving errorSummary Collect Intrastat Transactions prog is giving errorContent Hi I have done set up for Intrastat reporting for sales orders and purchase orders..Collect Intrastat …Ramakrishna Basa-Oracle 38 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management