Discussion List
19B Feature - Compare Different Revisions of the Same Item Structure with OTBISummary Latest revision LOV does not contain any values.Content Hi All, We are trying to use the new 19B feature that Oracle has introduced to Compare different revision…
Develop Custom Web Application for oracle cloud PD and add trigger URL from cloud UISummary Develop Custom Web Application for oracle cloud PD and add trigger URL from cloud UIContent Hi All, I am new to Oracle Cloud, I want to create custom web applica…
Unable to enable 'Sales account' on Manage itemSummary Sales Account grayed out at the Master Level and not getting enableContent Hello Team, I am trying to enable the 'Sales Account' field in the Specifications for …
DFF on EGP_item_type lookup Codes formSummary Need to add lookup values DFFContent Hello Team, I am not sure if I missed any setup or this is system behaviour, noticed that in one of my instance, DFF attribu…
DATE type segment creationSummary Date Type segment against the EFFContent Hello Team, I am not able to find out the option for 'DATE' type segment. I added a EFF page on the item creation field …Saurabh Sharma_HCL 16 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Saurabh Sharma_HCL Product Development
New Country of Origin Attribute - 20ASummary Is COO only available in Inventory management after enabling?Content Hello, We received the 20A upgrade into our test environment and were expecting to find a Co…User_2025-02-04-16-34-29-464 37 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shyam Lakshman-Oracle Product Development
Web Service to Raise New item RequestContent Hi All, please, Is there a web service that allows to raise a new item request ?
Item Rule SetSummary Item Rule set to generate item descriptionContent Is it possible to use Manage Item Rule Set functionality without Product Hub offering ? We have a requirement t…Sudharsan Thoppae 45 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Pierre Cornet-Oracle Product Development
CAD connectors for Product DevelopmentsSummary List of tools that are available to Connect to SCM product development ModuleContent Hi , Can any one know do we have any readily available plugins OR tools to c…
Supply Chain and Manufacturing – Come and learn about workflow best practices on CO and NIRContent Submit your questions for the Supply Chain and Manufacturing – Come and Learn about workflow best practices on CO and NIR session to have them answered during th…
Loading item transactions via FBDI templateSummary Can't see accounting details of the item transactions passing in FBDI templateContent Hello Team, Item transactions loading done successfully with item cost, how…
Vision Instance is downSummary Oracle demo Vision instance is downContent Hi, I started using Oracle Vision demo instance from last week and I see that it is always either Down or absolute slo…User_2025-02-04-12-07-09-084 30 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Kelly Cooper-Oracle Product Development
Installed Base UI availability UI in 18CSummary Installed Base UI availability UI in 18CContent Hello Team, I came across Metalink Note ID.2407281.1 that suggests that the Oracle Fusion Installed Base UI is ma…
Can not update the item code in PIMSummary Can not update the item code in PIMContent Hi, After updating the Profile Option "EGP_UPDATEABLE_ITEM" to 'Yes' the item name is an editable field in PIM. thxUser_2025-01-31-00-04-57-100 39 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-03-16-14-21-445 Product Development
Cycletime & Backlog Reports in Oracle Cloud BISummary Do we have Backlog & Cycletime Reports in Oracle SCM CloudContent Hi , I am looking for Cycletime and Backlog Reports for Engineering and Non-Engineering Change …Narendra Yanamadala 36 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Narendra Yanamadala Product Development
Development product to sellContent Sales orders for samples of a product specially developed for that customer. For example, the client asks them if they can make a product with certain characteri…
How to Upload Items using Excel in to Master ItemsSummary How to Upload Items using Excel in to Master ItemsContent HI Is there any way to upload Items using Excel in to Master Items. regards, RamRamakrishna Basa-Oracle 69 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Shyam Lakshman-Oracle Product Development