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ICS -WSDL with multiple operationsSummary ICS -WSDL with multiple operationsContent Hi, Can anyone suggest the best approach to handle multiple operations in a wsdl using ICS ( Any help is mu…
Reading XML File with Stage File Action in OAICS, problem with Schema OptionSummary Do I need to create new Schema or Select and existing Schema?Content Hi, following on from a previous post (…User_2025-01-30-19-13-07-190 70 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-30-19-13-07-190 Integration
Exception while calling a webservice using SOAP adapter from OIC.Summary Root tag and Soap Headers having different names.Content Hi All, I am facing issue while connecting to webservice using SOAP Adapter. I have configured the SOAP …
FTP Adapter Write operation is not recognising new line characterSummary issue to convert a .txt file delimited by pipes in a .csv file without pipes and order by columnsContent Hi All, I have a requirement to read txt file delimited …
Error connecting to application running on-premise, on same box as connectivity agentContent OIC version 18.3.3 (but occurred in 18.3.1 and 18.2.4 as well) We have a dedicated RHEL 7 box that our production on premise connectivity agent runs on. However,…User_2025-01-31-15-40-56-878 23 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-31-15-40-56-878 Integration
Difference between Integration Cloud and Autonomous IntegrationSummary Difference between Integration Cloud and Autonomous IntegrationContent I am trying to provision an instance and i have two options. PFA the image. 1. Integration…User_2025-01-31-16-03-44-491 58 views 5 comments 2 points Most recent by User_2025-01-31-15-40-56-878 Integration
Downtime Handling in OICSummary We encountered intermittent connection (2-3 minutes of random downtime) in OICContent Hi, We encountered intermittent connection (2-3 minutes of random downtime …
- after R13 UpgradeSummary I intermittently get the following An error occurred even before the REST endpoint could be invoked.[[ I intermittently get the …
Issue with WSDLSummary While activating integration facing issueContent Hi Team, I am trying to activate one integration but I am facing some warnings. WSDL used: https://efep-dev1.fa.…
How to set explicitly Http status: 500 for error response in OICSummary To set Http error status 500 to the response in OIC.Content Hi, I got below response from Oracle having ReturnStatus: ERROR, then need to send the HTTP status: 5…