OCI Data Integration
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OIC- Passing XML file as a argument to a Stored procedure.Summary Has any one read a file from a sftp server(ftp connection) and passed the file as a argument to a Stored Procedure on Oracle DB via DB adapter.Content Trying to …
New release of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Data Integration adds connectivity to Oracle Fusion AppliContent New blog about OCI Data Integration’s newly released connectivity to Oracle Fusion Applications: https://blogs.oracle.com/cloud-infrastructure/load-and-transform…
Problem adding Autonomous Database as Data AssetSummary Getting an error attempting to connect to an Autonomous Database Data AssetContent Hi Everyone, I'm trying to add an Autonomous Database as a Data Asset in my Da…
Define a specific procedure in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Data Integration data flowSummary How to define a specific SQL procedure in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Data IntegrationContent Hi, we are evaluating latest OCI DI version. While trying to replic…
New Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Data Integration release focuses on connectivity and transformationsContent We're excited to announce a new release of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Data Integration. This release expands connectivity options, transformation capabilities, …
Using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Data Integration with MySQL Database Service and HeatwaveContent Virtually all data types from any data source can be integrated into the MySQL Database Service and HeatWave. When you need to collect data from diverse sources …
GGCC-20022: Error getting JPS credential store instanceSummary Error while trying to install DIPC Agent on my linux serverContent I got all the required details from my DIPC instance and was running the ./dicloudConfigureAge…
How to Provision DIPCS?Summary Provision DIPCS InstanceContent Hi Team, Could anyone please help to share the steps to provision DIPCS Instance.With the changes in the new OCI UI, It is gettin…Subrahmanyam Vempati 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Subrahmanyam Vempati Data Integration
DIPC Remote Agent RegistrationSummary Problem with RegistrationContent Hi, I am trying to setup Data integration Platform Cloud. I am following the guide which instructs me to download the agent pack…
DIPC Starting Agent - Trust Store Password IssueSummary Error about Trust Store Password MissingContent Hi When i run the start agent file command in Linux I am getting this message: GGCC-20046: Trust store password d…
DIPC vs ODIcsSummary Difference between DIPC and OCIcsContent Hello Folks, Is DIPC a new way of having ODI in cloud? IS ODIcs still available to be installed in PaaS provisioned JCS?…User_2025-02-05-11-08-20-077 37 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Julien Testut-Oracle Data Integration
Load into Fusion applicationsSummary Using ODI to load data in FusionContent With reference to a previous post - would like to clarify if ODI / DIPC can be used to create files in FBDI / HDL etc...c…Raghavendra Manchigiah-109808 32 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Julien Testut-Oracle Data Integration
using ODI Studio with DIPC ?Content while in DIPC - C (Classic) it was possible , by connecting through SS tunneling to some instance with ODI Studio , to use ODI Studio and connect to DIPC - C rep…
DIPC for Big Data cannot see the running managerSummary Trying to run replication to Kafka connect and getting an errorContent When I try to run replication task from Oracle db to Kafka topic I am getting error in DIP…
DIPC Connection to remote informixSummary In the oracle open world presentation, oracle states that DIPC can connect to Informix. But as per the documentations, informix is not yet supported. Is there an…