Release Notes
Discussion List
Preparing for the March Maintenance Pack for 25AThe March Maintenance Pack for the 25A Release is being targeted to deploy to your non production environments on March 10, 2025 and to your production environment on Ma…Desiree Dreszer-Oracle 109 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Desiree Dreszer-Oracle Student Financial Aid
Preparing for the February Maintenance Pack for 25AThe February Maintenance Pack for the 25A Release is being targeted to deploy to your non production environments on February 10, 2025 and to your production environment…Desiree Dreszer-Oracle 454 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Desiree Dreszer-Oracle Student Financial Aid
Preparing for the 25A ReleaseWe are excited for the upcoming 25A Release, which we are targeting to deploy to your non production environments on January 6, 2025 and to your production environment o…Desiree Dreszer-Oracle 1.7K views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Reid from Spring Arbor Univ Student Financial Aid
Preparing for the November Maintenance Pack for 24DWe are excited for the upcoming November Maintenance Pack for 24D, which we are targeting to deploy to your non production environments on Dec 1, 2024 and to your produc…Desiree Dreszer-Oracle 1.1K views 23 comments 1 point Most recent by Michael Lauria-Oracle Student Financial Aid
Preparing for the 24D ReleaseWe are excited for the upcoming 24D release, which will be deployed to your non production environments on Oct 7, 2024, and wanted to share several resources available t…Desiree Dreszer-Oracle 1.2K views 7 comments 1 point Most recent by Alexander Thompson Student Financial Aid
Preparing for the September Maintenance Pack for 24CThe September Maintenance Pack for 24C release is scheduled to be deployed to your non production environments on September 9th (9/10 UTC) and to your production environ…Desiree Dreszer-Oracle 81 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Desiree Dreszer-Oracle Student Financial Aid
- Patch ReleaseAn issue impacting the 2023-2024 ISIR closeout process in Student Financial Aid (SFA) was identified. Since ISIR closeout needs to occur by September 14th, prior to avai…Desiree Dreszer-Oracle 127 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Desiree Dreszer-Oracle Student Financial Aid
Preparing for the August Maintenance Pack for 24CThe August Maintenance Pack for 24C release is scheduled to be deployed to your non production environments on August 5th and we wanted to share several resources availa…Desiree Dreszer-Oracle 102 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Desiree Dreszer-Oracle Student Financial Aid
- Patch ReleaseWith the deployment of Release 24C to your production environments, a critical issue was identified that prevents student access to the Student/Parent Self Service (Port…Desiree Dreszer-Oracle 143 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Desiree Dreszer-Oracle Student Financial Aid
Preparing for the 24C ReleaseWe are excited for the upcoming 24C release, which will be deployed to your non production environments on July 10, 2024, and wanted to share several resources available…Desiree Dreszer-Oracle 267 views 2 comments 3 points Most recent by Desiree Dreszer-Oracle Student Financial Aid
Where do I find information on Student Financial aid module?Summary: I am looking for information on ways to connect to this module and I do not seem to find any? For example, I understand we could use BIP to connect for reportin…
Preparing for the 24B June Maintenance PackWe wanted to share several resources available for the June Maintenance Pack for the 24B release, which will be deployed to your non production environments on June 10, …Desiree Dreszer-Oracle 71 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Desiree Dreszer-Oracle Student Financial Aid
Preparing for the 24B ReleaseWe are excited for the upcoming 24B release and wanted to share the Release Readiness resources available to assist with preparing for the release. In this release we ar…Desiree Dreszer-Oracle 332 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Anthony Malone Student Financial Aid
Preparing for the 24A ReleaseWe are excited for the upcoming 24A release and wanted to share the Release Readiness resources available to assist with preparing for the release. In this release we ar…Desiree Dreszer-Oracle 941 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Desiree Dreszer-Oracle Student Financial Aid
DRAFT Student Financial Aid 2024-25 Award Year UpdatesThe FAFSA Simplification Act, enacted into law as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 and amended by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2022, represe…Desiree Dreszer-Oracle 1.8K views 11 comments 1 point Most recent by Desiree Dreszer-Oracle Student Financial Aid
Does the 24A Release in SFP need to be coordinated with PUM 31 in PeopleSoft Campus Solutions?Summary: We are anticipating taking PUM 31 for our PeopleSoft Campus Solutions environment in February 2024. As of today (1/16/24), there has not been an announcement of…
2024-25 Initial ISIR Pre-ReleaseWe are excited to share that we will be having an early release for functionality related to processing financial aid for the 2024-25 Award Year in Student Financial Aid…Desiree Dreszer-Oracle 852 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Desiree Dreszer-Oracle Student Financial Aid
Preparing for the 23D November Maintenance PackWe wanted to share several resources available for the November Maintenance Pack for the 23D release, which will be deployed to your non production environments on Novem…Desiree Dreszer-Oracle 71 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Desiree Dreszer-Oracle Student Financial Aid
Preparing for the 23D ReleaseWe are excited for the upcoming 23D release, which will be available October 9, 2023, and we wanted to share several resources available to assist with preparing for the…Desiree Dreszer-Oracle 262 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Desiree Dreszer-Oracle Student Financial Aid
Preparing for the November Maintenance Pack for 22D ReleaseWith the November Maintenance Pack for 22D, we wanted to highlight the configuration changes to the Notification Framework and share several resources available to assis…Desiree Dreszer-Oracle 61 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Desiree Dreszer-Oracle Student Financial Aid
Preparing for the 22D ReleaseWe are excited for the upcoming 22D release, which will be available October 10, 2022, and we wanted to share several resources available to assist with preparing for th…Desiree Dreszer-Oracle 131 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Desiree Dreszer-Oracle Student Financial Aid