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Required list of responsive pages in HCM that are not converted to Redwood pages.Summary: Hello We are in the process of implementing redwood pages. So client wants to know is there a dictionary/list of responsive pages across modules in HCM that are…Naresh Reddy 8 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Simona Stoian-Support-Oracle Human Capital Management
Redwood Page Integration with DashboardHi Experts, In Responsive UI we have embedded a custom Dashboard in a RUI page using Sandbox/Page Integration. We want to embed the same in redwood page by creating a ne…
Is it possible to restrict Global search to give only Active employee listWe are planning to implement Connections(Redwood UI).When we search for an employee in connections, the search displays all active and non worker (with same name ) infor…
Redwood: Is it possible to update/add instructions to 'Show more info' link in Performance?Hello, We're in the process of moving our pages in Performance to Redwood. After we enabled all required profiles, we've notice that every section within our Worker Self…Samantha Yang 27 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Suman Chenumalla-Support-Oracle Performance Management
Redwood and HCM (HR professionals pages impacted)?We understand that all ‘pages’ are changing to Redwood, i.e. employee, line manager and HR professionals/specialists (Recruiters, HR Business Partners). However, there a…
Where to hide address details in connection pageHi, I wanted to hide address field that appear in connection page. Navigation: Me > Connections > Org chart Please assist where I can hide it, if anyone having idea on i…
Redwood Theme for ConnectionsSummary: Hello Team - we want to apply the same colors that we see from an Oracle presentation and have it apply to our pages as well. Can we change the background image…Bianca Lei Villareal 37 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Julian Challenger-Oracle Connections
Redwood DOR attachment names are getting truncatedHi, We have enabled redwood page for Document of records, and we noticed that attachment names are getting truncated. We do follow some sort of naming conventions for at…Vishal_dhane 8 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Iulian Brinzoi-Nuta - HCM-Oracle Human Capital Management
Redwood Pages Nudge Cards Not visible on 'Skills and Qualifications' pageHi Team, Oracle document suggests that we need to set the 'renderNudges' property to "on" from VB Studio. We tried this on the 'Skills and Qualifications' page, but no t…
Need to mask the SSN on personal details redwood page in VBSWe need to mask the SSN on personal details redwood page in VBS so that SSN can be visible only after clicking the eye button. Thanks
Redwood - Autocomplete RulesHi Community, Is there any limitation regarding Autocomplete Rules and Redwood? Do you know in case the system is configured with Redwood and Autocomplete rules is enabl…Filipe Mendes 1.2K views 23 comments 1 point Most recent by Debayan Bhowmik-147509 Visual Builder Studio for HCM
Location, Address related fields and Custom DFF is missing in Redwood pageHi, we have enabled redwood pages in Global HR Module and testing them currently. while creating Divisions from workforce structures, we found Location, Address related …
Business Rules in Express Mode - Default and Validate Field ValuesAccording to the Introducing Defaulting and Validations for Redwood with Express Mode in Cloud HCM Lets Talk Tech Webinar Series documentation in 24C there will be more …Kiya Garrett 174 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Pooja_Chowdhary-Oracle Visual Builder Studio for HCM
Is it possible to hide First name 2 in Redwood by VBCS?We are activating Redwood for Core, and find out there are fields for First name 2, Last name 1 and Middle name 2 under Personal details. We wish to hide them and keep o…
Manage Location and Departments doesn't turn into Redwood Pages after enabling the profile values.Summary: Hi Team, Background : In current RUI system our Finance team do-not have access of My client groups. They only have access of Location and Departments pages thr…
Values for Project, Task and Expenditure Type is not showing in Redwood Team Timecards after saving.Redwood: Values for Project, Task and Expenditure Type is not showing in Redwood Team Timecards after saving. While time entering we are able to view all values and upon…
What are all privileges required for Existing Time Cards Redwood UI to workWe enabled red wood ui for Worker Time card Entries. Every thing is working fine but from "Existing Time Cards" when user clicking on Add "+" button it is giving error "…