Approvals / Workflow
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possible to customize Workflow DoR Approval notification in VBS to interact w/ BIP ReportSummary: Is there a way to grab an Approver/Assignee Person Number or Name on a WF notification after i include that person (name or number) in BIP report /DM conditiona…llnl_jtw 7 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shweta Ganguly-Oracle Visual Builder Studio for HCM
How to add Contact Information for Termination Process - Add step in Info to IncludeSummary: How to add the Contact Information/Personal Information in the Redwood Termination steps? This is to capture cell phone and personal emails during employee's re…Ingrid McFarlane 22 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Ingrid McFarlane Visual Builder Studio for HCM
Can we create a custom approval process using VBS?Summary: Our requirement is to create a Personal Payment Method page in HCM with approval rules. Is it possible to develop a transactional page with approvals in Visual …
Auto Reject approval is showing rejected by themselves in notificationSummary: Auto-rejected approvals are displaying as "Rejected by themselves" in the notification, while in the Transaction Console, they show as "Rejected by Workflow Sys…
Retention period of WorkFlow Archive Tables in FusionSummary: The client has audit requirements to retain approval history. The approved approval history is moved to the Archive Tables : FA_FUSION_SOAINFRA.WFTASKHISTORY 30…
How to block transactions that integrate with ADPOne of our clients needs to block several transactions that are integrated with the payroll. A calendar of dates is generated annually to block several transactions, wit…Victor L. Santos 1 view 0 comments 1 point Started by Victor L. Santos Visual Builder Studio for HCM