Shipping Consolidation
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Can we drag and drop an order into a shipment on a workbench?Summary: We have a workbench created where one of the sections of the workbench has all the shipments planned but not tendered and second half of the workbench has unpla…
Ship Unit calculation is not happening as expected when Allow repacking of mixed pallets is marked YSummary: When the Allow Creation of Mixed Freight Ship Units is marked Yes in the order configuration, OTM is not repacking the ship units at order level when the items …
Implementing GTM without OTMSummary Implementing GTM without OTMContent Hello community We start a GTM implementation without OTM Module in a client that today works with EBS and will have ERP Clou…Diego Gonzalez Gavilan 38 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Diego Gonzalez Gavilan Global Trade Management