Category 198
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HDL Dat File: JobSummary HCM Data Loader Dat File for maintaining Jobs Content Description The attached dat file provide examples of loading job with valid grades, evaluation criteria an…
HDL Dat File: LocationsSummary HCM Data Loader Dat File for maintaining Locations Content Description The attached dat files provide examples of loading and translating Locations, using source…
HDL Dat File: Job FamilySummary HCM Data Loader Dat File for maintaining Job Families Content Description The attached dat files provide examples of loading, translating and delete Job Famillie…Ema Johnson-Oracle 444 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Kimberly_Nguyen HCM Data Loader (HDL)
HDL Dat File: OrganizationSummary HCM Data Loader Dat file for Creating Departments and Divisions Content Description The attached Organization.dat file provides examples of loading departments a…
HCM Data Loader (HDL) AccessSummary Explains the function security privileges required to access HDL tasks and features. Content The information previously published in this topic is now available …Ema Johnson-Oracle 321 views 2 comments 5 points Most recent by Ema Johnson-Oracle HCM Data Loader (HDL)
HDL Example Files: WorkerSummary Links to HCM Data Loader example dat file that maintain Worker Content Example Dat Files * New HireEma Johnson-Oracle 2.2K views 104 comments 8 points Most recent by MandeepGupta HCM Data Loader (HDL)
HDL Data File: US Tax Withholding cardSummaryHere we share example CalculationCard.dat files for loading US Tax Withholding data ContentFor the latest information regarding loading Calculation Cards for the …
HDL Example Files: Work StructuresSummary Links to HCM Data Loader example dat files that maintain Global HR work structures Content Example Dat Files * Location * Job Family * Grade * Job * Grade Ladder…
EmployeeLocationFlag|on Location.dat fileSummary: Relevence of EmployeeLocationFlag on Location.dat HDL file Content (required): Wanted to understand relevence of EmployeeLocationFlag on Location.dat HDL file. …Vibha Pandey - Oracle 31 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Paidiparthi Ravindra Workforce Management
HDL Dat File: Grade LadderSummary HCM Data Loader Dat File for maintaining Grade Ladders Content Description The attached dat files provide examples of loading a Grade Ladder. Source keys are use…Ema Johnson-Oracle 218 views 2 comments 3 points Most recent by Prateek Parasar - GTUK, ACE Pro HCM Data Loader (HDL)
HDL Dat File: Worker (New Hire)Summary Example HDL Data Loader Dat File for New Hires Content Description The attached Worker.dat file provides examples of loading new hires using the source key to pr…Ema Johnson-Oracle 1.4K views 13 comments 10 points Most recent by Jenna Fuchs HCM Data Loader (HDL)
Loading Localization Data using HCM Data LoaderSummary Links to HCM Data Loader example dat files and supporting BI Publisher reports Content HCM Data Loader Dat File Examples Canada * Tax Credit United Kingdom * Sta…Ema Johnson-Oracle 257 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Ema Johnson-Oracle HCM Data Loader (HDL)
Supporting BI Publisher Reports for Loading Localization Payroll DataSummary HDL resources are now found in the HCM Resource Center: * BI Publisher Report: Third Party Payees for Involuntary Deduction Cards * BI Publisher Report: Tax Repo…Ema Johnson-Oracle 61 views 0 comments 2 points Most recent by Ema Johnson-Oracle HCM Data Loader (HDL)
HDL Data File: US 403(b) / 457(b) calculation cardSummaryLoading US 403(b) / 457(b) cards ContentYou can find help topics for loading these cards in the HCM Data Loading Business Objects guide: Overview of Benefits and …Ema Johnson-Oracle 152 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Ema Johnson-Oracle HCM Data Loader (HDL)
HDL Dat File: GradesSummary HCM Data Loader Dat File for maintaining Grades Content Description The attached dat files provide examples of loading and translating simple Grades and Grades w…Ema Johnson-Oracle 167 views 0 comments 2 points Most recent by Ema Johnson-Oracle HCM Data Loader (HDL)