
How to Reinstall the MICROS KDS Controller service?

Q: How to reinstall 3700 Micros KDS controller service?


Best Answer

  • A: MICROS KDS Controller may need to be reinstalled if there is a reoccurring issue with the service stopping or if the service will not start.

     NOTE: This solution only applies if the KDS Controller is located on the RES server.

    To identify if the server is the KDS Lan Node, do the following:

    • Open and sign in to POS Configurator (poscfg.exe).

    • Select the System tab.

    • Select the Kitchen form.

    • Select the Options tab.

    • Note the LAN Node. If the LAN Node is 99 Server, the service is located on the RES server.

    1. In services.msc, stop the Micros KDS Controller service. 

    2. Open the service Properties ( Double-click on the service or Right-click on the service and select Properties )

    Note: This will show all of the information needed when reinstalling the service, including the service name, display name, path to the executable. Example:

    Service Name: MICROS KDS Controller

    Display Name: MICROS KDS Controller

    Path: C:\micros\res\kds\bin\kdscontroller.exe

    3. Open command prompt (cmd.exe). Run it as an administrator.

    4. To uninstall the service, in command prompt, type the following: 

    sc delete "MICROS KDS Controller"

    Note that the service name for the MICROS KDS Controller will be different depending on the version of RES being run. Starting in RES 5.5, the service name is MICROS KDS Controller. In previous versions, the service name may be MICROSKDSController. Confirm the service name prior to running this step of the service will not uninstall.


    5. If the service uninstalls successfully, the command prompt will show the following: 

    [SC] DeleteService SUCCESS


    6. Verify the service is no longer showing in services.msc to confirm it was deleted. 

    7. Enter the following in command prompt: 

    sc create "MICROS KDS Controller" binPath= x:\micros\res\kds\bin\kdscontroller.exe

    • There should be no space between binPath and the = sign 

    • Where MICROS KDS Controller is the Display Name and X is the MICROS drive.


    1. Confirm the service is now showing in services.msc.

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