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How to Install EMC in Simphony 18.1 or later?

Best Answer
Q: How to install EMC Simphony 18.1 and later
A: Windows User Administrator Access is needed in order to Install EMC. If you are not able to install programs on your computer, please reach out to your local IT
1. Open your internet browser (ie. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome)
2. Go to the following address, you will need to replace SERVERNAME with the name of your Simphony Application Server: https://SERVERNAME:443/SimphonyApp
3. Enter your EMC login credentials in order to log into the Simphony Web App, then press the Enter key on your keyboard or click the Login button.
4. Click on the Downloads Section at the top of the screen
5. Click on the arrow to select Enterprise Management Console (EMC) from the dropdown
6. Click Download to download the file and open it once it has finished downloading (It should be called EMCSetup.exe)
7. On the Welcome Screen of the EMC Client Install Wizard, click Next
8. Now choose where you would like EMC to be installed by clicking the Change button and then click Next
9. Click Install
10. Once the installation has finished, click Finish
11. Go to your desktop double-click the EMC icon to open EMC
12. At the EMC login screen, enter the server URL without the HTTP:// or HTTPS:// the servername can be entered with and without the secure port.