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IGS ServiceConfig.properties customization
I have a project that required us to add new services into IGS.
When creating the service, we had to edit ServiceConfig.properties in IGS ear file. And we added the new custom family. But this family is publishing to an existiing topic. And we seem to find that you cannot actually publish to it because of a naming restriction.
It seems that the setting has to be example ASNIn
In ServiceConfig.properties, ASNIn already has an input in there for etASNIn like below
So if you want to create another service to publishing into an ASNIn topic like etASNInFromRIBToISO. You cannot do it. Because the setting does not allow for
Because the topic name has to start with etABCASNIn
I am not sure if this is truly how IGS is created. So I am asking if there is anyone that can share some input in this.
We worked around this by creating a interim topic call etABCASNInWS and then use a passthrough TAFR to push the message to etASNInFromRIBToISO. But that looks ugly in terms of implementation.
Another curious thought is that this restriction basically made it such that in One family there can be only one IGS topic for publishing. Unless of course you work around that like we did.