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Have you ever had trouble bulk uploading users? – Support FAQs Series

A customer reported that he was trying to bulk-upload users to Clinical One, but these users never appeared after he uploaded the file. Why would this happen?



Have you ever had trouble bulk uploading users? – Support FAQs Series

Omar M.-Oracle
Omar M.-Oracle Red Ribbon
edited Dec 8, 2022 11:46PM in Clinical User Forum

A customer reported that he was trying to bulk-upload users to Clinical One, but these users never appeared after he uploaded the file. Why would this happen?

There are a few things to note.

First, if there are any failures in this process, a report will be generated which is called User Upload Error. This is found under the Report tab. It displays any errors that occur during the upload process.

This user's problem could happen because the system is unable to locate the sites specified in the upload.

By default, bulk uploads will only upload users to Production Mode. This means that the system will only look at sites listed in Production Mode, not any listed in Test Mode.

In the case of the user who reported this problem, the sites specified in his bulk upload were created in Test mode, not Production mode.

During the upload process, on the preview screen, we can enable the upload users to the training mode setting, resulting in users being uploaded for both the Production and Training modes.

So, if we would like to bulk upload users to test mode, we should leave the Site ID column blank and then continue with the upload. Once the users are uploaded we can then edit them in the User tab to add/specify which sites in test mode they should be assigned to.

Check out this page for more information about uploading users.

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