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Get access to Clinical One free sessions

Does anybody know how to register for the "Fall 2023 Free Live Training" sessions. It supposed to be free but any session that I try to enroll, it shows a window telling "You must be a subscriber to access this content." with a button to "Buy now".
Please let me know if anyone could get pass and register sessions for free.
Best Answers
Hi Hamid @User_G90P4 ,
I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing issues. Our courses are free, but the enrollment process is sometimes confusing. We appreciate you contacting us, and we will be happy to assist you.
First, it's important to note that you have to manually enroll in each course, even if you're trying to enroll in a learning path. This means that to enroll in the RTSM learning path, you'll need to manually enroll in each course of that learning path (RTSM 1, RTSM 2, and RTSM 3).
Here are the steps to enroll:
Step 1: Click on this URL to access the schedule: https://mylearn.oracle.com/ou/live-event-schedule/Oracle%20University/100051
Step 2: Sign in. If you've recently signed in to another Oracle site with your Oracle SSO, you most likely won't need to sign in again. You'll see an icon with your initials on the upper right corner of the screen like this (if this is your case please skip to Step 5):
Step 3: However, if you see a "generic" icon of a person's silhouette with the text "account" below it, this means you have to sign in. To do that, click on the white arrow and on the pop-up menu, click on the "Sign in my account" option. After this, you'll see the sign-in screen.
Step 4: After signing in, you'll be redirected back to the schedule screen, and you should see the icon change from the generic silhouette icon to an icon with your initials. In case you're not redirected to this page, please navigate to it using the following link: https://mylearn.oracle.com/ou/live-event-schedule/Oracle%20University/100051
Step 5: Identify the courses you want to enroll in. Remember that we currently don't have an option to enroll in a learning path in a single action, so you'll have to manually enroll in every course.
Step 6: Once you've identified the courses, please repeat the following steps for each course:
Step 6.1: Click on "Session Details"
Step 6.2: In the session details screen, click on the "Enroll" button
Step 6.3: You should see a confirmation message saying that you've been enrolled in the event:
Step 6.4: You'll also receive a confirmation email that looks like this:
Step 6.5: Please repeat this process for each course you want to enroll in.
Step 7: If for any reason you can't attend a course, please unenroll by clicking on the "Unenroll" button. You'll receive an unenrollment confirmation.
And that's it! I hope this helps! If you have any additional issues, please don't hesitate to let us know by posting them in this thread, sending a DM, or reaching out to this email oracle-ls-enablement_ww@oracle.com
Hey Hamid @User_G90P4 ,
I'm happy to hear that you have successfully enrolled.
Also, thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will investigate this message to identify how we can enhance your learning experience.
Have a great learning journey!
Hello Omar,
Thanks for prompt reply and detailed tutorial.
I managed to register for the events. The trick was the patience.
When I clicked on the "Enroll" button, the "You must be a subscriber to access this content." window appeared.
However, if you wait for 5-10 seconds, it automatically disappears and the confirmation message shows up.
Thanks again and have a great time.