impdp's transform OID option
Using Oracle Database 19c, we are trying to import a dump which contains an XML schema and its corresponding auto-generated data types, tables, triggers etc.
We are struggling with the data types, as they already exist under the same name in another schema of the target database, hence getting us ORA-02304 errors during datapump import.
We tried adding option "transform=OID:n" to impdp command, and it effectively rids us of the errors. Problem is, the imported XML schema still references the data types using their old names, so it is unusable.
For example, using "transform=OID:n", source data type "resultat56_T" becomes "resultat28_T" in target database, yet cdc.xsd still references the old name : <xsd:complexType name="resultat" oraxdb:SQLType="resultat28_T" oraxdb:SQLSchema="TEST">