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Or if there are an automatic stratigy that we can apply like FEFO (First Expire First Out) on these specific locations without user action
Hi Shorin, We operate a central warehouse where we purchase and receive raw materials. Additionally, we have 16 restaurant locations that handle assembly builds and process cash sales through an integrated system. Our goal is to implement lot tracking exclusively at the central warehouse for all transactions, as previously…
Hi Shorin, Yes for all transactions
Hi, Unfortunately, we are not a One World account but a single subsidiary account. Is there any workaround to have P&L account balances with a zero open balance at the beginning of each year?
Hi Richard, Thank you and appreciate your help , here you are Case # 5091463 Currently we stopped the script since its affecting operations and if you need me to enable then let me know. Best Regards
Hi Richard, We have already opened a support case and they caught the script file which is having the error but they didn't help more as we are under Basic support type account and the issue is caused by a custom script and does not fall under the support parameters. the strange thing is that sometimes it's working and…
Hi, For clarification I'm a new netsuite implemnter and now I have a new netsuite implementation so I need to see project plan for others
Hi, I'm facing the same , is there any work around ???
Hi, I'm facing the issue of zeroing all amounts after changed vendor on PO and there are no active WF / or Suitescript . please advise !! Best Regards
Hi Patrick, Thank you for replay, actually what we are looking for is how to print the selected filter on printout of the report as we added filter by location and we are able to select location from filter but the issue is we need to print the selected location on report header !! We activated filter by location on all…
hi, I tried the same here but nothing appears, can you advise if this can be done as we are trying to display selected filter on print out and we are not able. Thanks
Thank you Emilia for response , if its doable for all transactions then it will be perfect and if not then for (Sales) Invoice/cash sale BR
Or if anyone can suggest anyway to have A/R statement of account (something presentable to customer having Balance Forward and report header with customer name) as we currently using A/R register report and its not presentable like Statement of account.
Thank you Emilia for reply, I'm talking about Customer -> Generate Statement