
NFP (Not For Profit) Bundles Updates - Questions

editado sep 26, 2023 5:38 en Social Groups 2 comentarios

From your experience with the NFP Updates (upgrades), do you have any answers to the questions we have below or best practice recommendations?


8/15/2023, we received an email notification from NetSuite that the 5 NFP SuiteApps (bundles) will be updated in our Production environment on 10/10/2023...

1. NFP Constituent Management (bundle ID - 245812) from 1.01.8 to 1.01.9

2. NFP Customization (bundle ID - 248554) from 1.02.5 to 1.02.6

3. NFP Financials (bundle ID - 253068) from 1.01.10 to <TBD>

4. NFP Standard Customization (bundle ID - 271703) from 1.01.8 to <TBD>

5. NFP Starter Customization (bundle ID - 268554) - NS is upgrading, but bundle is not yet installed in our accounts

As with the previous NFP Bundles updates we completed, once in May 2023 before a July 2023 go live, we plan to execute non-production (sandbox) upgrades, with the required pre and post upgrade verification and customization prep and restore tasks, and post upgrade testing, to confirm impacts and any actions needed before Production is upgraded by NetSuite.  

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