Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server Idea Lab

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Color formatting at column level based on column/field name from Subject Area in DV/ Visual Analyzer


Organization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of):


Description (Required):

Currently, conditional formatting is applied by bringing in a field in the color option in the grammar panel in OAS.

The background color of a visual/canvas can be changed but individual columns cannot be changed on the basis of the name of the column. Color formatting is at the row level and not the column level currently in OAS. The color property in the grammar panel only allows for 1 field in the table/pivot visual in 0AS.

Use Case and Business Need (Required):

Business users create tables and pivots in excel color columns based on attributes to visually distinguish columns at a glance. However, OAS allows conditional formatting at the value level and applied the color format to the entire row by default. Custom calculations brought into color work only at the row-level.

Additionally, only 1 metric can be brought into the color field as shown in the visual below, for instance, Sales. You cannot bring in other fields like Quantity, Discount/Profit in the color attribute in the grammar panel for the visual.

Current functionality (sample-superstore dataset):

Expected functionality (shown in excel):

Enhancement Request / Service Request:

1 votes

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