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Headcounts and Terminations By BUs and Bands
Ravi Guddanti-Oracle
Rank 4 - Community Specialist
Import the attached prebuilt project on employee Headcounts and Terminations by business units, location, and configured bands.
This OAC project consists of data visualizations that answer business questions around headcounts and terminations, such as:
What is the current headcount by grade, location, age, gender, business unit etc?
What is the headcount of terminations by categories such as voluntary and involuntary?
By default the visualizations in this project reflect metrics for current gregorian year, there is a selection filter on quarter.
- Sign into Fusion HCM Analytics home page
- From the left navigation/actions menu - go to Projects
- Navigate to the path where you'd like to import the project
- From the right page menu, click on Import Project/Flow
- Select the .dva file that was downloaded from this page and complete the import.