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Workforce Mobility & Top N Action Reasons for Headcount Gains & Losses due to Department Change
With FAW HCM 4.1 release , a new subject area has been added to the offering which analyzes the headcount movement, hires, reorganizations, and terminations.
This DV is built for TOPN ( Top 10 ) action reasons for headcount gains & losses due to department change.
The DV also uses "Data Action" feature to drill down further to -
- Person number gained or lost due to action reason
- From Department & To Department impacted by movement for a specific action reason
Please follow below steps to get started using the pre-built analysis for your organization.
1. Download .Dav file from this post
2. Log into your FAW instance.
3. Click on Import Project/Flow
4. Click on Select File button. This will open a browse window on your machine. Select the required files with .DVA extension.
5. Click on the Import button.
6. Once the import is successful, it will display the message "Import Successful". Click Ok
FAW 4.1