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Connecting Person Real Time subject area to Workforce Events Real Time

Organization Name
We are unable to join the Person Real Time subject area with the Workforce Events Real Time subject areas. The goal is to be able to report workforce events by more sensitive metrics like workers with disabilities. For example: How many promotions by workers with disabilities?
Use Case and Business Need
Being able to connect these two subject areas together will be useful in measuring equal opportunity metrics like hires, Terminations, promotions etc by Religion, Disability etc
More details
We're not able to do these kinds of Equal Opportunity analysis on a consistent basis without having the connection working between the two subject areas.
The two subject area meet all the apparent required criteria for joining subject areas together. They both have a common dimension (worker) and we can include a measure from each subject area. We need a clear indication when two subject areas aren't going to work together and, better yet, enhance them to work together like the others.
Original Idea Number: ea99efae33
Robert, this is a possibility even now. You could combine the two subject areas mentioned above. I hereby attach a sample, fyi.
- Raghu
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Hello Raghu,
Thanks for this example. Do you have to start with Person Real time for this to work? Can you make it work originating from Assignment Event Real time and connect to Person Real time?
Attached is my example trying to connect disability information to Assignment Event real time where it does not work.
Hopefully you have great insight like above!
Kind Regards
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Thanks @Raghavendra Raghunath-Oracle for the update.
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If you are still unable to resolve then please post this or move this as discussions in OTBI forum.
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Still hoping for some support on this one as well.
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Hi @Gloria Brewster This ask above on joining Person Real Time and Assignment Event Real Time has been answered. What are you waiting on? Is there any use case that you have to find a solution?
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Thanks for checking @Raghavendra Raghunath-Oracle! I was actually able to follow this video for some support:
Essentially, I used count-related fields on both Person Real Time with Worker Assignment Real Time to create the "join". I then excluded the counts when showing results.