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Adding a letter in "Edit Column Formula"
I was wondering if I can add a letter like a $ before or after a Formula within "Edit Column Formula" window? So for an example:
Column Formula:
("Measures YTD"."Giving Donor Count Fiscal YTD") + ("Measures YTD"."Giving Donor Count Fiscal YTD")
So the value should have a $ sign in it.
PS: I know you can set it up "Column Properties" but in my case I am using a UNION so its not working.
You can ... but maybe not what you want as for that you would have to cast the current formula to a char/varchar and then concatenate a $ in front.
But I'm quite sure you can set a column format as "currency" and pick the "$" as sign even when you do a union. You just have to set it on the global column and not inside each subquery of the union.
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Its a little complicated so I am already trying your first solution but not having much of luck. Here is what I am trying:
'$'||CAST(Cast(IfNull("Measures YTD"."Giving Donor Count Fiscal YTD", 0) As Double) / Cast(IfNull("Measures YTD"."Solicited Donor Count Fiscal YTD",0) + IfNull("Measures YTD"."Solicited Staff Count Fiscal YTD",0) As Double) * 100.0) AS CHAR
Invalid Alias Format : Table_name.Column_name required. OK (Ignore Error)
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Review your formula, you must have an issue somewhere ... (in the one you posted for example you miss at least a closing ")" )