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Filtering functionality has different results in grammar panel (visual level) and at top level.

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When a top-level filter is applied, the option to turn off the cascading filter is there from "Auto" to "None".

Top-level filter options:

At the visual level, the option to exclude the cascading effect is not there.

Therefore, the 2 filters may produce different results and these need to be reconciled.

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  • Hello,

    Limit By operation does not affect the query at runtime but only "limits" the values shown on the other filter categories.

    For example, if i had a data setup like this:

    Product Category (TV, Games) and

    Products - LG, Samsung, Sony (for TV), NFL, Mario, NFS (for Games)

    A Limit By operation on Product Category will ensure the respective products are shown as filter values for the user. If i selected TV, Products filter will display LG, Samsung, Sony only.

    Acknowledged that the Limit By operator is not available for Viz filters but wanted to make sure that data should not be different on the visualization as long as the same filter values are applied.

  • Shrey Tandon
    Shrey Tandon Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    Thank you- yes, I acknowledge that this is a limiting operation.

    The visual filter doesn't have the limit by option in the grammar panel and when the filter query doesn't stop running, this would be a useful option to have at the visual level as well.