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Can we generate a OTBI analysis in a Pyramid format in R13 release update 18B version

Can we generate a OTBI analysis in a Pyramid format in R13 release update 18B version
Can we generate a OTBI analysis in a Pyramid format in R13 release update 18B version? Please advise.
The different levels in the pyramid would represent different grades (e.g. Analyst, Associate consultant, Consultant,... partner, etc.) And their width+number(width of the pyramid) would represented headcount at those grades.
attaching the screenshot of the different ways to represent data. one of the images in the screenshot is of the pyramid shape of data layout that we are trying to achieve.
Moved to correct forum.
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Can we generate a OTBI analysis in a Pyramid format in R13 release update 18B version? Please advise.
The different levels in the pyramid would represent different grades (e.g. Analyst, Associate consultant, Consultant,... partner, etc.) And their width+number(width of the pyramid) would represented headcount at those grades.
attaching the screenshot of the different ways to represent data. one of the images in the screenshot is of the pyramid shape of data layout that we are trying to achieve.
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OTBI has the funnel graph, I think this is the closest thing.
Thanks, Julian
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Hi Julian,
I did check the funnel option. But, I guess , it requires for every parameter(like job name), it compares 2 different fact columns(like head count and assignment count). We just need one fact i.e. head count for each job. When I create an analysis like this, it will not give the highest head count at the largest part of the funnel and lowest head count at the smallest part of the funnel, which is our requirement. It will just list the head counts for each job sequentially on the funnel.
Can we atleast have the highest head count at the largest part of the funnel and lowest head count at the smallest part of the funnel?
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Is it possible to sort the table and then create the funnel?
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Can you please guide , how to sort a analysis on a specific column in descending order?
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I tried sorting--> went to Results screen --> clicked on 'Head Count' column --> Sort --> Descending.
Analysis gets sorted , but, not the funnel. Funnel is, by default i guess,sorted on ascending order of the Job Name.
Can you please help..
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I have read about Fusion Charts to get this done.
LInk :
Can we use this in an OTBI analysis .xml to get the pyramid layout.
Please confirm. Our client is pushing on having the structure in Pyramid format.
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Can you create the analysis again and sort the table in the criteria tab and then create the funnel - does that work?
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(That article does not pertain to Oracle products.)
Use the trellis with ascending sort on headcount, with the grades as rows, which will put the largest chunk at the bottom of the base of the trellis and the smallest bit on the top. Select content paging for the trellis. (I think it looks better without gridlines.) You can experiment with 2D, 3D, and 7 different styles like rectangle and triangle; also dynamic and logarithmic scales. If you flip it around with the grades as columns then it looks like a bar chart.
Probably the best graphical representation of grade and headcount is either the bar or stacked charts. You can use 3D to make it more visually appealing. Use ascending sort on headcount to give the shape. It will be a half pyramid, on it's side.0