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Reviewed - Change names of attachments sent via Agents
Want to be able to give a specific name to attachments
Use Case and Business Need
In BO, the name of the attachment may be automatically generated or given a specific name when setting up a schedule. It would be helpful to have the ability to give an attachment a specific name, especially for daily or weekly reports sent via an agent.
Original Idea Number: 1f3312c1ff
How do you like to specify the attachment file name if the report is scheduled daily/weekly? Do you expect the agent to auto-append report run date to the attachment file name?
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Hello Ling,
We would like the ability to append the date and time to the attachment when we schedule the report or totally change the name of the attachment when scheduling, as it was in Business Objects. For example, in Business Objects, the same report could be scheduled multiple times but the name of the attachment could be changed by using the "Destination Options and Settings."
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Yes please - this was so very helpful in BOR!
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This Request to customize both subject name and file name is really helpful in BO especially when we are using single report scheduled with different criteria and audiences.