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No Results error message Handler

A way to catch the No Results error message with a user-friendly message
Use Case and Business Need
I have a dashboard that reports on HR metrics based on data range. At time, there is no data returns, which is perfectly correct. However, it is alarming for business users to to see this blaring No Results detail message. It is an alarming message to users although it is not an error and the report simply returns zero result. I tried using IFNULL(expr, value) however this does not work. Is there another way to customize this message when result does not return any data?
Original Idea Number: fac96c4087
You can enter a custom "no results" message in Edit Analysis Properties, screen shot below...
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AH! Thank you. That was simple
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Wouldn't it be easier to be able to define a universal No Results so it is not required to define on each analysis. The current option could be used as override if any analysis require a specific message rather than a universal message!!