Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Idea Lab

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Ability to deep link (hyperlink) to Infolets



All the infolets currently sit on the bottom of the news feed/home page of HCM under "Analytics."  We would like the ability to hyperlink to a specific infolet and/or all of infolets without also sending people to the rest of news feed (e.g. navigation, to do list, etc.).  The other option would be for the infolets to have their own separate page or section where nothing else is.   

Use Case and Business Need

The business case is to simplify the noise/distractions that people see so that they can focus on the infolets only. 

Original Idea Number: dca5d9b9e6

1 votes

Submitted · Last Updated


  • Sanket Patole
    Sanket Patole Rank 1 - Community Starter

    An ability to move/ re-position Infolets on the top of the page would also be helpful besides hyperlinking.

    Also, the user has to refresh the Analytics for the Infolets to load, this step could be reduced.