Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Idea Lab

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Report to get details about security roles and permissions configured for all reports


Organization Name




Looking for report that can provide a complete dump of all the security roles and custom permissions across all reports in the HCM application.

This request was posted in the Reporting and Analytics forum and was advised to convert it into an IDEA.



Use Case and Business Need

We have created a lot of custom BIP and OTBI reports and the list is growing. This report will be useful to audit the security from time to time basis

Original Idea Number: 5a146c87c2


13 votes

Submitted · Last Updated



  • SaranyeSri
    SaranyeSri Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Yes, this report would be very useful and we need the same kind of reporting for our client.



  • Marybeth Snodgrass
    Marybeth Snodgrass Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    There's going to be two delivered dashboard in 19c that looks like it could suit your needs - a "Security" DB and a "Roles" DB. If not the out of the box report, 19c is also coming with a new "Security - Roles & Privileges Real Time" subject area. URL for "What's New - Global HCM 19c" Oracle documentation. The pages related to these enhancements are p. 50 - 56. 

    There are some visuals of the soon to be delivered content in the PDF documentation, but i have provided the overview descriptions below for others' convenience. A more detailed description of each DB page can be found in the documentation as well.

    "The Security Dashboard gives an overview of the roles and role categories, for example: abstract, hcm, erp, and their specific counts. Details of the roles include code, name, description, number, and the details of users who have been assigned the role, the data security policies that make up the role, the functional security policies, and also the details of all the roles that have been inherited by roles"

    "The Role Dashboard provides details of the artefacts assigned to the role including data security policies, functional security policies, directly assigned roles and inherited roles, the users that have been assigned the role and the inherited role hierarchy details. These details are available in multiple tabs of the dashboard."

    "This new subject area, Security - Roles & Privileges Real Time, is designed to make reporting of Roles, Role Objects, and Role Users easier for OTBI users. Users can create and run ad-hoc security reports for needed security review and audit purposes. The subject area has details related to roles, inherited roles, inherited-by roles, data security policies, function security policies, and the users set up in the application.

    The subject area also metrics including number of roles, number of users, and so on that can be used to understand the quantity of security built in the organization apart from the actual security details."

    Hope this helps! 

    -Marybeth Snodgrass, Vanderbilt University

  • Nitin Gupta HCM
    Nitin Gupta HCM Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    Thank you so much for sharing. This is really exciting stuff !



  • Tessy
    Tessy Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    That sounds good already!

    Will this dashboard or subject area also be able to show per catalog folder or even report which persons and priviliges give access to that specific report/folder/datamodel?

    And will it show what kind of access is provided ( full, read etc.)? 
    Will it show the assigned data access per user as well?


    Will it also give the option to report on the procurement agents in detail (which persons for which entities with what kind of  access)?

  • Marybeth Snodgrass
    Marybeth Snodgrass Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    I am not sure, as i am just a customer and do not work for Oracle.

  • Orange
    Orange Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Great idea, I gave it a thumbs up.

  • Shabnam Bombaywala
    Shabnam Bombaywala Rank 1 - Community Starter

    We are also looking for a report that would list permissions across all reports (seeded as well as custom). This would help to audit report security.

  • Emma Long
    Emma Long Rank 1 - Community Starter

    DSC would be supportive of this idea

  • Helen Thomas
    Helen Thomas Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    This would be really useful from an audit perspective of who has access to what report.

  • Sian S
    Sian S Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    Needed in order to better manage the security of folders within the Report Catalog.