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What If Analysis - Limitations Enhancment

As confirmed in Oracle SR "3-20913513181 : What-if analysis ended in error", currently there is no standard way to process big volume of assets through standard/seeded what-if analysis.
In daily basis, users are encountering problem when what-if analysis is incapable to produce output.
For now, as only option, Oracle suggest to customize report. More details can be found in notes: (What If Analysis - Limitations (Doc ID 2536036.1) and What-If Depreciation Analysis Report ends In BIP runtime error (Doc ID 2477489.1))
As this is only workaround and involves custom approach, which latter still has to be maintained. We would like to see future enhancement, where seeded process is capable to process bigger volumes.
Use Case and Business Need
Users, by using standard/seeded report, are unable to process big volumes of assets.
Original Idea Number: 139d590727