Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Idea Lab

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Exclude prompts while printing Dashboard Output


Organization Name



Currently we have set of properties that can be defined when we want to Print the Dashboard Output. 

We would like to have an option to Include / Exclude the prompt Section as well if possible.

Attaching the list of  option currently provided to help under Dashboard --> Edit --> Setting --> Print & Export Options but we don't see the option to exclude the Prompts.


Use Case and Business Need

The Use case is we have created few Dashboards using OTBI with Prompts.
The End User who consumes these Dashboards output run the Dashboard --> Print them and use them for their Meetings. 

If there is an option to Hide the prompts while Printing automatically then the alignments and efficiency of Usages will be effective .

Original Idea Number: b087934807


1 votes

Submitted · Last Updated


  • Ryan_Sullivan
    Ryan_Sullivan Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Our leadership team has been asking for this to be removed as the prompts do not format nicely and do not provide value in the output. This is a great idea!