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Ability to use Job manager and Catalog manager in Fusion SaaS OTBI
If users are able to use OBIEE client tools like job manager or catalog manager in OTBI then we can reduce many number of SRs related to OTBI agents and catalog migrations/errors.
Use Case and Business Need
Customers would like below features.
1. to know the number of agents scheduled by users,
2. total number of custom reports and their paths.
3. Easy access to migrate reports in single shot.
Original Idea Number: 58b18e6012
This feature will very helpful when we need to upload multiple catalog at single go.
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-Management of user development area (clean up)
-Report on number of reports per folder0 -
We are looking for similar abilities at our organization. We would like a catalog manager to have the ability to itemize our OTBI catalog contents and report definitions.
This is currently a manual maintenance point for us that we keep on a spreadsheet. If there are better options please do let us know.
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Hi there,
Thank you for your idea. I am relocating it to our Transactional Reporting (OTBI) Idea Lab for proper review:
Brendan J. Doyle
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we are seriously looking at better ways to migrate SaaS OTBI / BIP reports. Currently we are using sharepoint to enforce versioning and manually control migration of objects to higher environments. Lack of automation tools is a big pain point for us.
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Thank you for your idea
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Oracle, this Idea is 3 years old. Please update with status. We need Catalog Manager and Job Manager in OTBI (SaaS) yesterday!