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OTBI Direct Agent Recipient based off of Analysis

In the reporting portion of Oracle (OTBI) we can set up agents based off of columns within the result of the analysis. Currently, there are only two columns available to utilize. Would we be able to add a third field (recipients)?
Use Case and Business Need
In several organizations, there are multiple levels of approvals and or point of entries. Limiting it to only two cuts down on the capabilities of the agent, the report, and add more time to figure a way to get the report to those being left off the report.
More details
We have up to 5 levels of entry points. We would like to be able to have more than two options to have this agent auto sent to those within the report.
Original Idea Number: 7bfc9e645a
Moved from Purchasing.
0 -
Buyer, preparer, requester could all be different & could benefit from being recipients.