Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Idea Lab

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Exchange rates should has independent subject area


Organization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of): Johnson Controls

Description (Required): For now, exchange rate uploaded to ICM, there is no independent subject for exchange rate, it's combined in other subject areas like Transaction or Credits. That means, if we need use exchange rate, we need to join other subject areas, it caused additional dependancy.

Use Case and Business Need (Required): All sales target from different counties are uploaded to ICM Goal as local currency, when create report from regional view all targets should be convert to USD. The problem is, exchange rate not contain in Target subject area, but just in Transaction or Credits, so we need join transaction only for getting exchange rate, it caused additional dependency on transaction.

Enhancement Request / Service Request: Set independent subject area for exchange rate, so that if target need convert to USD, we only need join target and exchange rate 2 subject areas.

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