Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Idea Lab

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OTBI Subject Areas with ESS job dependency


Organization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of): KPN B.V.

Description (Required):

Insight Needed on OTBI Subject Areas with ESS job dependency

Use Case and Business Need (Required):

we see OTBI Subject Areas with ESS job dependency on f.i. subject area Fixed Assets - Assets Transactions Real Time

for instance where ESS job "Extract Assets Reporting Data" needs to be scheduled in order for the Subject area to work

We need to understand what processes to schedule in order to make sure all OTBI Subject Areas are available for self service reporting.

Enhancement Request / Service Request:

Could you pls provide an extensive overview of all OTBI Subject Areas that have a dependency with an ESS Job?

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