Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Idea Lab

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Not able to change the ownership of BI Publisher Report Jobs


Organization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of): Oracle Global Service Centre (GSC)

Description (Required): OAC/OAS/OBIEE should has feature to update the ownership of BI Publisher Report Jobs.

Use Case and Business Need (Required): In HSGBU, we are having a customer where we configured BI Publisher Report Jobs (in OAS). Now we want to update the ownership of those jobs from Oracle to customer user. If the Oracle Consultant user is removed from IDM then the jobs will go into error saying authentication failure. To avoid this issue we need to manually resubmit the new jobs asking customer to do from their end and delete the old jobs. This is a big manually process, if we can have a feature to update the ownership of the report jobs from Oracle Analytics UI then it will save lot of time and avoid manual activities.

Enhancement Request / Service Request: 3-32191705431

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