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Receiving columns empty in subject area "Financials - AP Expense"

Received Response
User_YBCVZ Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

Hi all.

We are in Fusion Analytics Warehourse release 23.R1.P4.

I noticed that into the subject area "Financials - AP Expense", the columns Receipt Number and Receipt Line Number are always empy (they refer to physical table DW_AP_SLA_EXPENSE_DIST_CF). The columns related to AP invoice or Purchase Order are correctly populated.

Can anyone tell me why? Is there any missing setup step or other cause?

I upload an excel file where you can see some columns of the table.

Thank you, Carlo


  • Sinduja Sekar-Oracle
    Sinduja Sekar-Oracle Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Hi Carlo,

    If the receiving shipment record is created in Fusion prior to the Initial Extract Date configured in FAW, but the invoice is created later than the Initial Extract Date, then the Receipt Number and Receipt Line Number details won't be extracted and the Expense Fact shows them as null. Please check if the records match this criteria.


  • User_YBCVZ
    User_YBCVZ Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Hi Sinduja,

    thanks for the info, but this is not the case.

    The initial extract date is 01/01/2012: both invoice and receipt have been created after this date.
