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How to limit the data in an OTBI Purchasing report depending on the person.

I am creating a dashboard for Procurement (requests and orders).
However, it is a requirement from the client that the owners can only visualize their own requests/orders, but the managers/directors (that can be also requesters) can see all the information.
I have already limited by requesters using this query on the fields User name: LOCATE(USER(), "- Requisition Requester"."Purchase Requester User Name") and the filter: different from 0.
How can I continue and allow that the managers/directors can see all the information?
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Resolved myself.
I have a similar requirement for project time cards and project-based PO, how did you achieve it?
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Hello @Shailesh Kumar,
I had to create a query where I limited by username (manager) and cost center (obtained from a substring of the charge account) = 1 where 1 is that they can see the information.
Hope it helps!