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Calling a report using a soap request changes the special characters.
Hello everyone,
I needed to call a report from visual builder studio, I did it by calling a soap request in JavaScript. I put the data type xml and got an xml response.
In BI publisher the report returns words with special characters because it's in French, for example : é, è, ê ...
The thing is that in the xml response that I'm getting from the SOAP API all the special characters are replaced by other symbols.
é is now é. What can I do to get the special characters ? Is there a charset that I need to change ?
I still need it to be xml, also the response is encoded in Base64 Encoding, does decoding it create this issue ?
Thank you
Hello Youssef,
Converting the base64 to text will not affect the character sets.
Please refer to this KM Note for details on implementing character sets:
Chinese and Other Language Characters Appear as Question Marks(?) When Using Data Template (Doc ID 353164.1)
Thank you