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Access OAC System Settings when using FAW
Hello - Is there any way to access OAC settings once FAW is deployed. It is unfortunate that you do not get the full capabilities of OAC when you are paying all this money for it. We want to use some of the new OAC functionality! This is the error I get:
Insufficient Permissions
You do not have sufficient permissions to use this application
totally agree! I am running into the same issue
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Below ER is in progress for this Addition.
FAW: How To Access OAC System Settings? (Doc ID 2915472.1)
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Thanks! hopefully will be available soon!
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Doc ID 2915472.1
is not available anymore, so anyone who knows about this issue? We still can't access the system settings i OAC, and we have FDI/FAW installed.Regards
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@Anders W. Langholm Same here . We are unable to access the OAC setting . But this document is accessible to me
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The ER has no movement on it since 2022. I would recommend adding this feature request in the FDI idea lab. It appears that it is by Design that FDI does not allow system setting changes in OAC. They must have some valid reasons - we should get a clarification on those reasons. End of the day, it is the customer who's suffering because they are unable to use certain cool features that standalone OAC provides.
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Idea created. Vote using the link below.
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See this FDI documentation link about OAC under FDI vs. OAC stand-alone:
There is a System Settings tile in the FDI console that a Service Administrator can access, but yes, you'll be limited versus the choices one has when looking at the System Settings in an OAC stand-alone environment.