Oracle Analytics Publisher

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migration bi publisher trail edition using bi migration tool .jar

Received Response
Zuhair Amjad
Zuhair Amjad Rank 3 - Community Apprentice
edited February 2024 in Oracle Analytics Publisher

can migrate reports and users from bi publisher trail edition to 12c

i use this command line :

"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-1.8\bin\java.exe" -jar "C:\Users\BI\Desktop\MI\migration-tool.jar" out "C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher Trial Edition\bip" "C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher Trial Edition\bip\server\domains\bipdomain" "C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher Trial Edition\bip\server\domains\tmp\MigrationTool\export.jar"

when run it return this error :

migration action failed : not a directory : C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher Trial Edition\bip\modules


  • Hi @User_Z9MDK,

    Please update your profile and display name, so we know whom we are communicating with :-).

    The documentation states that is the starting point for upgrades, and migrations.

    If you want to continue to try, your issue may be the spaces in the directory paths, that you may need to double quote.

    Other comments, welcomed.

  • Zuhair Amjad
    Zuhair Amjad Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Hi @SteveF-Oracle

    I still have the same problem and it returns the same error

    what do you think?

    * error when Creating the Export Bundle

  • That migration tool is not applicable to BIP standalone, it is only applicable when BIP is integrated with OBI

    See: Doc ID 2527794.1 for steps.

  • Zuhair Amjad
    Zuhair Amjad Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Dear SteveF-Oracle

    I Migrate all reports from BIP to OAS

    download all catalog and upload it on OAS

    so i need now to move all users Do you have any advice ?

  • As stated in the other thread about moving objects please don't hijack threads even if they're your own. One thread, one question.

  • so i need now to move all users Do you have any advice ?

    Agree with Christian, this cannot be an engagement to answer continuous follow on questions.

    I suggest you start with the documentation, as it answers most of the question(s) you are asking.

    If you still need advice, then a new post for that singular question with full context of your security/identity store environment configuration, and the documentation you are referencing, etc.