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Extend Usage Metrics capability with specifying to Reports/ Decks/ Folders in FDI

With Usage Tracking Report one can track usage of the FAW environment and pinpoint to a.o. Subject Area or User.
But no more functional enrichment is possible.
Use Case and Business Need:
However for Teams who are building reports for specific group(s) of users it would be valuable if Usage Metrics can be specified to:
- Specific Reports
- Specific Decks
- Specific Folders (where reports) are stored
For current Analytics Environment - which is PowerBI based- these Usage Metrics are available. Therefore giving insights which reports are used a lot and which ones are underused. Based on this information, more development capacity can be assigned to improve underused reports to improve Business Value.
Enhancement Request / Service Request:
Extend Usage Metrics capability with specifying to Reports/ Decks/ Folders