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Duplicate rows in Active Employees Report

Accepted answer

When running the Active Employees Report I am getting duplicate rows for only a few of the employees. What is the best workaround for this?

Best Answer

  • Nathan CCC
    Nathan CCC Rank 7 - Analytics Coach
    Answer ✓


    I am not sure what content you refer to. Maybe you can post what work area selected form the navigation menu you are using to view this? Is this a report or an analysis? What is the path to this content in the catalog in OTBI?

    What is status "Active". I will make a guess that this is a list of workforce person assignments not persons. PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_M

    So it is not the person who is Active. It is each of their assignment(s) of worker type "Employee Worker" that are status Active or not. Select Navigator, select Show More, in group Me select work area Personal Information. Select Employment Info. View primary assignment. A person can have multiple work relationships with different legal entity of type legal employer. And for each work relationship a person may have multiple assignments at the same points in time. And for each of those assignments multiple versions of each of those assignments over time. So a person can have multiple status because they have multiple assignments?

    What is the workaround. If you need 1 assignment per person then you will have to filter/rank them for example using flags like "Primary" which is the primary assignment for the primary work relationship.