Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence

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Subject Area: Project Billing- Invoices Real Time

Received Response

When using the Fusion OTBI subject area; - Project Billing- Invoices Real Time; the field 'Invoice Number' does not return any data for ALL records. Can anyone confirm if this field works (produces output and if so from exactly where, is this AP / AR Invoice Numbers?) and if not if there is any work around for this?

thanks for any input on this,




  • Hi Robert, to better serve you, please post this question in the Reporting and Analytics for ERP forum since its specific to Project subject areas/use cases. Thank you.

  • Nathan CCC
    Nathan CCC Rank 7 - Analytics Coach


    What is the logical sql in your analysis? Post the simplest query with the least number of presentation columns with the least complex filters that will demonstrate your problem statement.

    To understand "how this field works" now go to page analytics/saw.dll?IssueRawSQL then View Log to go to page analytics/saw.dll?ManageSessions to view the sql. Put this in an ad-hoc data model. Comment line sin and out to work out what is going on. NOTE To do this you must have role "BI Publisher Data Model Developer" and your bi administrator must have granted using page /analytics/saw.dll?PrivilegeAdmin to your user or to a role your user is granted privileges "issue sql directly" and "manage sessions" (which all authors must demand to write analysis and reports).