Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence

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Hiring manager and recruiter's full names not displayed in anaylsis

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Hello experts,

we are creating an otbi analysis with the following info: job req number, hiring manager’s and recruiter’s full names. However these last 2 info appear front end in the system, but not in the analysis, theire field are empty for all the job requisitions. Does anyone know why and how can we fix this issue? Thanks in advance. Best regards. Oriana


  • Hassan El Bouihi-Oracle
    Hassan El Bouihi-Oracle Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Hello Oriana,

  • Oriana L.
    Oriana L. Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Hello @Hassan El Bouihi-Oracle , can you please write your message, because I see only "Hello Oriana". Thanks a lot

  • Nathan CCC
    Nathan CCC Rank 7 - Analytics Coach
    edited May 2024

    Hi Oriana, Which subject area are you using? What is Your query? Please post here from the advanced tab in your analysis the logical sql from the simplest query that demonstrate your problem statement.

    May I assume you are using Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

    is it this query

    select all 0 s_0
    , cast("Job Requisition - Basic Information"."Requisition Id" as character) as jobrequisition_identifier
    , "Job Requisition - Basic Information"."Requisition Number" as jobrequisition_reference
    , "Job Requisition - Hiring Team"."Hiring Manager Full Name" as hiringmangager_name
    , "Job Requisition - Hiring Team"."Recruiter Full Name" recruiter_name
    from "Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time"
    order by 1 asc nulls last, 2 asc nulls last, 3 asc nulls last, 4 asc nulls last, 5 asc nulls last

    When you go to this page /analytics/saw.dll?IssueRawSQL you get null for person names in col 4 and 5? NOTE To view log from issue sql you will need your bi administrator to grant your user or a role your user on administrator page Manage Privilege the privilege Issue SQL Directly and Manage Sessions.

    My assumption is that this may be data security?

    You may be able to see this by selecting View Log on page Issue SQL then looking at the where clause added by the subject are at runtime to restrict the data it gets from the application tables and views. But some of the application tables and views in recruitment have row level security lower down in the application database itself with policies in a virtual private database so this method does not always help.

    Anyway just granting job role Recruiter which inherit duty role Recruiting Transaction Analysis Duty only gives you permission to execute a query from this subject without throwing a database connection error. But a job role does not necessarily make it so you get all data. For that you need to configure your data access. You have perhaps not setup the required data role with a security profile for your user to be allowed to view Persons. For example and .

  • Oriana L.
    Oriana L. Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Hello @Nathan CCC , I attach here the sql query available in the Advanced tab. Being honest, I don't think is a matter of security, because I'm creating this report with a superuser account, who has no restrictions. Thanks again for your suggestions. Regards. Oriana