Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence Idea Lab

Add DW_WRKFRC_ASG_F.PAY_SYSTEM_STATUS to the HCM subject areas

Under Review

The ADW table DW_WRKFRC_ASG_F already has this column (PAY_SYSTEM_STATUS) but it cannot be added to the semantic model.

The "Add column" semantic model action does not include this column, We opened a SR and found out that it is not part of the RPD physical layer and this requires an enhancement request/idea lab.

This column is important to identify if specific assignments are processed in payroll runs

6 votes

Under Oracle Review · Last Updated


  • Victor H
    Victor H ✭✭✭✭✭

    This looks like a low effort and high reward enhancement; The column is already there on the DW table and it just needs to be pushed to the physical layer.

    For reference:

    SR 3-36679457111 : Cannot add DW_WRKFRC_ASG_F.PAY_SYSTEM_STATUS column in semantic mode

  • Nupur Joshi-Oracle
    edited June 24

    Hi Victor , Would you also mind sharing the functional use case/analytical need for which you need this column exposed in the subject area ? Also , in which specific subject area do you need to be exposed ?



  • We need to have a employee detail report where we need to show employee payroll status. Please add column in

    HCM - Workforce Core subject area