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OAC - Error retriveving Mail Setting

Vasanthakumar Ravi
Rank 3 - Community Apprentice
Dear Experts,
We are trying to access the Mail setting tab in OAC but getting below error message, Can you please share your thought if you have faced similer issue in your environment.
Error Message
There was a problem attempting to retrieve the mail settings.{"type":"detailError","errorType":"DETAIL_ERROR","errorMessage":"HTTP 401 Unauthorized"}
Best Answer
This is a known issue in the FDI/NSAW integrated OAC instances. A one off patch is available for this issue.
Please raise a SR with FDI/NSAW Support team. We will involve our internal teams and have your instance patched with the fix.
Hi @Ashish-Oracle ,
Thanks for the quick update, let me create an Oracle SR for this issue.