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OTBI analyses on shipping Real Time Subject Area does not display correct Fulfillment line
For split lines Fulfillment details are not cauputed correctly. Currently only Shipment lines are captured based on the Shipment Id. On the SR raised SR 3-36563504801, I was informed that it was verified during OWC, It's kind of requirement.
1.Customer using OTBI reports for shipping Real Time Subject Area.
2.Currently the fulfillment line number in the Report showing as 1.0 for all the Lines.
3.Business Expecting it should display based on fulfillment lines for split cases.
Ex: If the line split into 1.1, 1.2 & 2.1 , 2.2
Report showing Order line as 1 --1.0
--1.0 ( for split lines)
2 --1.0
Expecting Line 1--1.0
Line 2--1.0
As per current Shipment lines capture based on the Shipment Id's, But Customer requirement it should capture the Fulfillment details as same.