Employee Assignment details at the time of the absence
I would like to report on the worker assignment details at the time of the absence. If for example an employee changed department today, the absence from last year would show the department they were in last year.
I attempted to combine the subject areas Workforce Management - Absence Real time but it is showing the latest department, job, assignment status of employee.
Any suggestion? is this expected behavior of Workforce Management - Absence Real time ?
Yes if you view log I think you will confirm that it is getting the assignment current
where sysdate between effective_start_date and effective_end_date
I think you will need to also query the assignment subject area. In your user guide for this subject area Workforce Management - Worker Assignment Real it tells you yes that this subject area will give you the version effective as at a single point in time. By default as at today but you can change by set a variable.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM
Subject Areas for Transactional Business Intelligence in HCM
F97517-02 24CBy default only a workers current assignment information as of todays date is retrieved. You can use a SQL prefix SET VARIABLE PARAM_EFFECTIVE_DATE ='@{P_DATE}{2018-12-31}'; (give the correct date format) to reset the default as-of date to report on assignment information in the past or future. This subject area does not report a history of assignment changes. You can use Workforce Management Work Assignment Event Real Time subject area to report a history of assignment changes.
So I guess you may be able to build 2 query with parent query to get the absences with a join/subquery to get the assignment for that absence to which you pass the absence date to set the variable so you can get the assignment as at that point in time? An idea to explore.